A really quick post is better than nothing at all, right? So here is the Easter basket I made for my daughters this year. They were filled with candy of course, but this is the first year my 27, 25 and 19 year old daughters didn't get a gift or as in most years lots of gifts in their Easter basket. I'm sure they were disappointed but I explained to them that they were too old for the Easter Bunny and now he comes to see the grandkids instead of them.
After lots of tears, I think they finally accepted that. Now what do you think will happen when I tell them Santa isn't coming to see them anymore either?
Thanks for looking,
The basket is adorable. I wouldn't mind getting it full of candy. When you get to be my age, there isn't too much the Easter bunny could bring in a basket unless he could fit a convertible in it.
I love this little basket. This is the nicest one of these I've seen. What really does it is the handle and the flower and the . . . oh well - the entire project. Thanks for blessing my day and inspiring my art. :) AND welcome back. :))))))
Love your basket. Wouldn't mind one filled with chocolate.
Well I am glad that I have lost all of my baby teeth because after no more easter bunny or Santa...I would be crushed if the toothfairy stopped coming too!
Love your basket and what a cute story about your daughters. I'm sure they are crushed. LOL TFS
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