These cute little Santas and Grinches were another craft show item. Also, not a big seller. You just never know what people will buy. Things I sold a lot of at my first craft show didn't sell at all at my second craft show. But the people at my old work place enjoyed them. I went to work Christmas Eve and gave all the ladies I used to work with little gifts.
These were made with Stampin' Up punches - scallop punch, word window punch, square scallop and the 1/2 inch circle punch. They were kind of time consuming but easy to make. They are wrapped around little hershey bars.
Have you noticed all my posts lately? Like 4 days in a row? It's because it is actually Christmas Eve as I'm typing this and I just schedule these to post on different days. Pretty cool huh?
If you are wondering why I'm on the computer on Christmas Eve, it's because my husband is napping, my shopping is done, my presents are all wrapped, and I've done all I can do ahead of time for tomorrow's brunch. Christmas Eve was always set aside to go to Mom and Dad's for Christmas. My entire life (until my parents passed away), we always opened presents at my parent's on Christmas Eve, even as an adult. That was just their day. And now with them both gone (this is our third Christmas without mom), we've just never seemed to find anything to do to replace that.
So here I am scheduling posts for next week. This is one of my goals for the new year (I don't do New Year's resolutions), to post on a more regular basis.
Thanks again for stopping by,